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Current as of: 2/19/2025


Planning, Analysis, & Mitigation are the foundation of Alaska's emergency preparedness efforts. Alaska Homeland Security and Emergency Management (DHS&EM) works with other state agencies, the federal government, local emergency management coordinators, and first responders to meet requirements in these areas.

Planning for emergencies ensures that emergency services, local authorities, and other organizations better communicate and coordinate efforts, improving disaster response and post-disaster recovery. Federal, state, and local requirements are concerned with providing safety and security for the public under threat of a full spectrum of potential disasters.

Planning prepares state and local first responders to prevent, protect, respond to, and recover from a variety of emergency situations. Alaska DHS&EM has worked with its many partners in the delivery of emergency plans to many different levels of government throughout the state.


Key links:

State of Alaska's Emergency Planning Section

DHS&EM Planners are engaged in planning efforts via three teams: Community Planning, Hazard Mitigation, and Community Resilience.


Program Manager
Community Planning