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Current as of: 3/21/2025

Local Hazard Mitigation Plans (LHMP)

Local Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP) Executive Summary Requirement


UPDATE November 5, 2024 – The Executive Summary Requirement template has been updated. Changes include:


      • ·         Document formatting (consistent headers for each page, header/cell coloring, etc.)
      • ·         Spelling error correction
      • ·         Critical infrastructure building type clarification
      • ·         Accommodation for additional hazards
      • ·         Two additional columns added to Mitigation Action Plan worksheet
      • ·         Worksheet protection to prevent changes to the template’s layout.
      • ·         Version file naming



SHMP Executive Summary Requirement

As of April 1, 2024, the Division of Homeland Security & Emergency Management (DHS&EM) will institute an additional state requirement for Local Hazard Mitigation Plans submitted through DHS&EM for review prior to submission to FEMA. The accompanying MS Excel document titled SOA HMP Executive Summary Requirement is a template for the HMP Executive Summary requirement referenced in section 7.2.2 of the 2023 State of Alaska Hazard Mitigation Plan. The inclusion of this addendum will allow the state and others to more effectively communicate the information included within the HMP in a shortened and simplified format.

Included will be a brief description of the community/jurisdiction; as well as the natural hazards, critical infrastructure, and mitigation strategies identified through the planning process. DHS&EM mitigation staff will then be able to import the provided information in the DHS&EM database, also referenced in section 7.2.2 of the 2023 State of Alaska Hazard Mitigation Plan. This added capability will allow mitigation staff the ability to better analyze threats and hazards as they relate to communities statewide; more effectively planning to lessen their impacts during a disaster.






The updated Plan Review Tool and Executive Summary Requirement template can be found here:

State of Alaska Plan Review Tool with Executive Summary Requirement

Executive Summary Requirement template - UPDATED November 5, 2024



Outline of HMP Executive Summary Requirement template:

Executive Summary (Sheet 1): A brief overview of the worksheets within the Executive Summary Requirement

Community Profile-Background (Sheet 2): A general overview and description of the community, including the location, geography, history, demographics, and economy. This can be excerpted from the HMP’s Community Overview/Description

Community Hazards (Sheet 3): At a minimum, the 8 standardized hazards listed in the State Hazard Mitigation Plan are to be included. Inclusion of additional hazards as identified by the community is welcomed with associated Magnitude/Severity and Probability assessments. An example is provided for the hazard Earthquake. Additionally, if a High Hazard Potential Dam is located within the jurisdiction and included in the plan, it should be listed as a hazard on this sheet.

Critical Infrastructure (Sheet 4): A listing of critical infrastructure within the community. This should follow the provided template and indicate hazards as they relate to listed critical infrastructure.

Mitigation Action Plan (Sheet 5): A depiction of each mitigation action that will be administered by the Planning Team. The Mitigation Action Plan (MAP) details each selected mitigation action, its priorities, the responsible entity, the anticipated implementation timeline, and provides a brief explanation as to how the overall benefit/costs and technical feasibility were taken into consideration.


The Hazard Mitigation Program was initiated in response to the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000, which mandates community hazard mitigation planning for FEMA disaster mitigation funding eligibility. The State of Alaska supports local community, tribal and Borough hazard mitigation planning efforts with grant funding opportunities and direct assistance.


John Andrews, HMP Program Manager