Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC)
The State of Alaska participates in the Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) grant program which provides grant funds to State agencies and local communities for hazard mitigation planning and the implementation of mitigation projects prior to a disaster event.
It is federally funded through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) at 75% of the plan or project and requires a 25% local fund match.
The program is annual, nationally competitive and is intended to reduce overall risks to the population and structures, while also reducing reliance on funding from actual disaster declarations.
A BRIC Planning grant is only available for communities that do not have a FEMA/State approved and community-adopted All-Hazard Mitigation Plan.
A BRIC grant is only available for communities that have a FEMA/State approved and community-adopted Hazard Mitigation Plan.
Hazard Mitigation Projects are intended to reduce risk to life and property and examples include:
- Elevation of flood-prone structures
- Structural and non-structural seismic retrofits of public facilities
- Voluntary acquisition or relocation of structures out of the floodplain
- Natural hazard protective measures for utilities, water, and sanitary sewer systems
- Localized stormwater management and flood control projects
Important Applications Due Dates:
Application timeline |
10/16/2023 |
Sub Application to the State in FEMAGO |
01/29/2024 |
Application due to FEMA |
2/29/2024 |
Due to FEMA (Tribal Direct Applicants) |
2/29/2024 |
BRIC Direct Technical Assistance (DTA) |
2/29/2024 |
Federal Award Due Dates:
Available funding for the NOFO: |
$1,000,000,000 |
State / Territory Allocation Subtotal: |
$112,000,000 |
Tribal Set-aside Subtotal: |
$50,000,000 |
National Competition Subtotal: |
$701,000,000 |
State / Territory Maximum Allocation & Activity Cap: |
Who is Eligible?
- State agencies, boroughs, cities and Federally recognized tribal governments with a FEMA approved and locally adopted Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP) as defined in 44 CFR Part 201 at the times of sub application submittal and grant award.
What Type of Work is Eligible?
- Capability & Capacity Building Initiatives
- Project Scoping
- Risk Analysis
- Hazard Mitigation Planning
- Managed Retreat Plans
- Seismic Design Work
- Projects that help design, scope, idenitfy or reduce risks from natural hazards
- Building Codes and Standards Projects
- Partnerships
- Hazard Mitigation Retrofit / Protection Projects
- Structural Seismic Retrofits
- Structural Elevation and / or Relocation
- Property Acquisition & Demolition
- Soil Stabilization
- Protection of Critical Infrastructure from Natural Hazards
- Emergency Back up Power for Critical Facilities
- Hign Wind Retrofit / Protection
- Critical Utility Hardening / Protection
- Wildfire / Combustible Fuels Reduction Projects
Notice of Interest Form |
Used to notify the State of Alaska of your intent to apply for a BRIC projects and HMP development or updates. (email to
Additional Information
If you are interested or have any questions, Please contact...