SCERP Development & Updating Steps:
1. Establish a community SCREP Planning Team
2. Download the standard toolkit at
a. The provided toolkit is for all communities that are eligible to participate in the SCERP Program.
i. Communities with or without legal governing bodies
ii. Communities that have a population of 2,000 or less
3. Complete the toolkit with the community SCERP Planning Team; stakeholders to include are,
a. Area administration, city/tribal council, law enforcement, fire/medical, school administration, utility officials, communications, interested community members (elders & youth), clinic aides, VPSOs, TPOs, VPOs, etc.
4. Email the completed toolkit to the All-Hazards Resilience Team at or
5. DHS&EM will provide 7 copies to the community free of charge. Borough emergency managers or the equivalent can request a digital copy.
6. Reconvene the planning team and utilize the community SCERP during a table-top exercise (TTX)
a. Contact the DHS&EM Exercise section to request a TTX specific to your community.
b. Please forward questions or requests to the exercise team at
7. Work with DHS&EM to make revisions based on lessons learned during the exercise
8. Identify personnel, plan changes, and update the SCERP annually; inform the SCERP coordinator of updates. Some examples are,
a. New Infrastructure
b. Changes due to turnover rate
c. Retirement
d. Promotion
9. Conduct SCERP triennial (every three years) reviews