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Current as of: 12/10/2024

Local Area Emergency Alert System Plans

On this page you will find copies of the Local Operational Area EAS Plans as they become available. To download a plan, click on the version you want. The document will open in a new tab. From within the new tab, click the download button near the top of the page.

Current as of: 9/11/2024

State of Alaska Emergency Alert System Plan

The State of Alaska Emergency Alert System (EAS) Plan outlines the use of the new FCC-mandated Emergency Alert System in Alaska. The Plan details the system for the National, State, and Local levels, and the activation authorities at each level. The members of the State Emergency Communications Committee, the Committee responsible for Alaska EAS, are listed, as are the EAS protocols used to send EAS messages. The Plan details the testing of the system, and has guidance for Emergency Management and National Weather Service personnel to use when activating the EAS. The Plan also designated the local areas the State has been divided into, gives a template for Local Areas to use when creating their own Plans, gives codes for the various locations in Alaska, and also gives instructions for cable operators.