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Current as of: 1/29/2025

SERC Work Plan Committee Duties

The Work Plan Committee develops a SERC work plan every two years. The work plan describes the SERCs intended activities for the 2 year time period that it is in effect. The work plan includes the goals of the SERC, identifies all committees, and identifies the various SERC tasks along with their proponents.

The committee presents the draft work plan to the SERC, LEPCs, and the public for review and comment. The review and comment period shall be for no less than 30 days. A final draft is then presented to the SERC for approval.


Committee Composition

The SERC Work Plan Committee shall consist of one SERC member or designee, the SERC Coordinator, one LEPC representative, and one state agency representative.

10/2024 SERC Workplan


Erin Leaders, Chair
555 Cordova St.
Anchorage, AK 99501
Contact Information
Dave Reilly, DHS&EM SERC Coordinator
P.O. Box 5750
Fort Richardson, AK 99505
Contact Information
Jason Bauer, LEPC Representative
1800 E. Parks Hwy
Wasilla, AK 99654
Contact Information